The paper expounds the pickling unit designed recently for continuous shallow slot with chlorhydric acid~, and introduces in detail its properties and equipment selection. 本文阐述新设计的连续式浅槽盐酸酸洗机组,对这一新技术的工艺特点,主要设备的选型等做了详细的介绍。
The loop design of pickling and rolling combined unit 酸洗&轧机联合机组活套的设计
The reverse osmosis technique was applied to the treatment of boiler waste citric acid pickling liquor of a 300 MW unit in some power plant, and desired results were obtained. 将反渗透处理技术应用于某火电厂300MW机组锅炉炉前系统柠檬酸酸洗废液的处理,达到了预期的目的。
Equipment Selection and Parameters Setup of Push-pull Shallow Pickling Unit 推拉式浅槽盐酸酸洗机组设备选型及参数设定
With the rapid development of metallurgical industry in recent years, although large-scale cold rolling mill in China has reached as many as 48, but the research of dust control measure in the head of continual horizontal-type acid pickling unit is very few. 随着近年来冶金行业的高速发展,虽然我国大型冷轧厂已达到48家之多,但是针对连续卧式酸洗机组头部粉尘特性与控制对策的研究却少之又少。